The GIFTS Model is an integrated 5 step empowering tool to achieve your highest potential in personal and professional life.
Starting from your Current State to Desired Outcomes, you will Carve Your Path, gain clarity at each phase with integration of science and spirituality creating self awareness, reflections, insights, action plans to celebrating success on achieving your goals.
G - Generate Goals
Client envisions life purpose, setting specific, realistic goals to self-realise their purpose by identifying milestones, measuring progress of their goals with full accountability.
I - Integrate (Introspect inter-being
amalgamating Science-Spirit, Resources
& Limitations)
Co-create with client safe space of self-awareness, presence, owning inherent gifts to integrate powerful innate true self.​​
Deep-dive integrating mind, body and spirit - highlighting strengths, resources, exploring perceived limitations
preventing client from progressing forward
towards their life purpose.
S - Success, Skills, Self Acknowledgement
Co-create structures with client in appreciating self, celebrating success, owning unique gifts.
Accomplishing evolved mind-sets that enable
profound integration with higher self.
F - Forward Progress
Co-create with client myriad options based on their
priorities, culture incorporating DEIB - Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion and Belonging. Moving forward with incremental steps to achieving goals.
Reviewing progress through integrated-work with evolved thinking, silent reflection to create a
sustainable future aligned with
life purpose.
T - Take Action
Co-creating with client structures to staying committed, taking ownership, keeping the momentum and staying on track with their life purpose.
Integrate new ways of leading & working - feedback, reflection and experiences provide insights on
evolving style complementing new realities of
their environment.